

Cybex Talos S Lux - kerra

94.080 kr
117.600 kr
94.080 kr - 23.520 kr (20%)
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CYBEX kynnir til leiks uppfærða útgáfu af hinum gríðalega vinsæla Talos S Lux.

Þessi frábæra utanvega-kerra með froðufylltum grófum dekkjum fæst nú í uppfærðri útgáfu, í nýjum litasamsetningum, með stærri innkaupakörfu, enn betri fjöðrun og hin frábæru "one pull" belti.
Hvað meira þarftu?


Helstu breytingar á nýuppfærðri útgáfu eru:

One pull harness : beltin hafa fengið uppfærslu og er nú hægt að stilla beltin með einu handtaki, rétt eins og við þekkjum í bílstólunum. Nú er maður því fljótur að festa barnið á auðveldan hátt.

Better suspension : öll fjöðrun hefur verið uppfærð og er öll mýkri en áður.

Bigger shopping basket : karfan er stærri og betri og tekur nú allt að 10kg farangur.

Brand new design in new beautiful colors!



Have fun on any trail, with off-road suspension and puncture proof wheels designed to master tricky terrains, while your child stays as comfortable as can be. And as venturing off-road may still bring some bumps your way, a unique one-pull harness delivers a precision-fit in seconds, delivering support where your child needs it. So you can choose the path less traveled.

Whatever season you choose to step into nature, know that your little one will enjoy total comfort and safety with supreme outdoor protection. A warm wind stopper attachment creates a robust shield against the cold, while your child stays dreamily snug inside. And a Supreme XXL sun canopy provides 360° defense against sun, wind or rain.

Look forward to making memories with a stroller that’s strong on the outside, and luxuriously soft on the inside.

Stay flexible with the freedom to attach a seat, the Cot S Lux, the Cocoon S, or an award-winning CYBEX infant car seat.

Front-wheel suspension and innovative frame-based rear suspension let you cruise over bumpy surfaces or uneven paths.

Comfortable yet durable, the puncture-free all-terrain tires give adventurous parents the freedom to tackle any surface.

An XXL sun canopy & wind stopper deliver 360 degrees of reliable protection from harsh outdoor weather conditions.


One-Pull Harness

Secure your child in seconds. One hand is all you need to fit the harness to the perfect form-hugging position.

One-Hand Height- Adjustable Handle Bar

Allowing the steering level to be tailored to the height of the parent, the handlebar height can be easily adjusted with one hand.

Free Windstopper

Windstopper adds extra weather protection without having to buy an extra accessory.

Spacious Shopping Basket

A spacious shopping basket allows you to carry loads of up to 10 kg, making it a practical companion whether you’re on a shopping trip or simply need a place to sling your shoulder bag.

Ergonomic Lie Flat

The Talos S Lux all-terrain stroller is fully adjustable into an ergonomic lie-flat position for use from birth.

One-Hand Fold into Self -Standing Position

With one hand the Talos S 
Lux can be easily folded into a free-standing package, for convenient stowing and storage.

Cot S Lux - vagnstykki
Cot S Lux Rain Cover - regnplast fyrir vagnstykki
Rain Cover - regnplast fyrir kerrusæti
Infant Car Seat Adapters - millistykki fyrir Cybex ungbarnabílstóla