

Cybex Base T

49.000 kr
49.000 kr - -49.000 kr (%)
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The Base T clicks easily into your vehicle, with no vehicle seat belt required. Installation is safe and simplified thanks to optimized ISOFIX release buttons. A rotation mechanism lets you get your child in or out of the car seat with ease.


    • Age range (when combined with the CloudT i-Size or Cloud Z2 i-Size): From birth up to approx. 24 months

    • Age range (when combined with the Sirona T i-Size or Sirona Z2 i-Size): From birth up to approx. 4 years

    • Approval regulation: UN R129/03 i-Size

The practical and versatile Base T is a safe and secure foundation for the CYBEX T Line Modular System. A practical and comfortable rotation mechanism enables easy on and off-boarding for your child, whether you're using the Cloud T i-Size or the Sirona T i-Size. Optimized and user-friendly ISOFIX-Release buttons have visual indicators to confirm the base is set up correctly, making installation more intuitive and easy.


    • Extra stability and safety in the car, with the load leg preventing forward rotation in the event of an accident

    • Enables 180° rotation of the Cloud T i-Size infant car seat – allowing you to comfortably place your child into their car seat

    • Enables 360° rotation of the Sirona T i-Size car seat – giving you the choice between a forward-facing position (from min. 15 months and 76 cm) or a more secure rear-facing position

    • Smart investment: One base for two consecutive car seats (CYBEX T Line Modular System) 

Hægt er að nota þetta base fyrir eftirfarandi vörur:

    • Cloud T i-Size
    • Cloud Z2 i-Size
    • Sirona T i-Size
    • Sirona Z2 i-Size

Easy on and off-boarding

Rotate the Cloud T i-Size and Sirona T i-Size car seats towards the car door, for effortless on and off-boarding. Just pull the easy-to-access handle on the Base T to swivel your car seat to the ideal boarding position.

One base ‒ Two seats

As it's compatible with both the Cloud T i-Size and Sirona T i-Size, the Base T delivers maximum versatility and a long-lasting solution for your growing child. It's the foundation of the CYBEX T-Line Modular System.

Intuitive and easy installation

Equipped with optimized and user-friendly ISOFIX release buttons, the Base T is intuitive and easy to install. The Cloud and Sirona T i-Size car seats can also be clicked on and off the base with ease. Tried-and-tested load leg technology also delivers extra stability.

Að öryggisástæðum er hvorki hægt að skila eða skipta base-um né bílstólum.
Eftir að base/bílstóll er farinn frá okkur tökum við ekki við honum aftur þar sem um öryggisvöru er að ræða!
Hafir þú einhverjar spurningar, ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur.